1. The Training of Health Workers
What We Do
Owing to the acute shortage of health workers who access healthcare services in rural, enclave communities, HMS trains healthcare workers of relevant categories to provide quality and affordable health services to rural communities in need. Support the training of a Nurse who will serve and change many lives.

2. The Prevention of Diseases
HMS undertakes regular community outreach preventive program (COPP) in remote communities to render the following preventive services: health and nutrition education, vaccination, water protection, hygiene and sanitation education, etc. We run the “You and Your Health” blog- a monthly publication aimed at sensitizing and educating the public, especially the rural masses, on the prevention of common diseases and nutritional conditions. The subscription is free, Fill the form below to subscribe for the monthly issue sent to your inbox.

HIF-CAM Medical Services (HMS) is reaching out to you in love and respect. There is something so special we want to share with you, about our new, big project- The Motowo Rural Health Project (MRHP). The MHRP is an innovative expanded health project intended to provide affordable and quality health service to 15,000 marginalized inhabitants of Motowo and it's group of villages.
3. Innovative Health Projects
HIF-CAM Medical Services (HMS) gratefully welcomes all volunteers to our site. We sincerely thank you for the self-less humanitarian work you are doing worldwide - saving and changing lives. HMS will need your invaluable services in Cameroon. Join our team to render virtual or direct services to our clients. Many volunteer opportunities exist for engaging with us. For more information click on the link below.
4. The Engagement of Volunteers
HIF-CAM Newsletter
HIF-CAM Newsletter gives our visitors, donors, partners and subscribers monthly updates about our programs and projects. The subscription is free. Fill the form below to subscribe for the monthly issue sent to your inbox.
Getting Involved
HIF-CAM Medical Services will immensely appreciate any donor, volunteer or our website visitor who is passionate about our health cause and is willing to join our team as a donor (to support our projects), as a volunteer to render virtual or direct services or as a partner. Please join our team by contacting us through the following link, and we will send you appropriate and relevant information about our organization or the current project: www.hif-cam.org/contact-us/ You may also email us through forfaah@gmail.com or phone: +237 677748273
Innovative Health Project:
New: The Motowo Rural Health Project (MRHP)
Title: “Kick Illness and Death out of Motowo Rural Communities”
Hello Friends,
I am reaching out to you in love and respect on behalf of Health Improvement Foundation of Cameroon (HIF-CAM) - a non-governmental, nonprofit organization incorporated under Cameroon law in June 2003. We are committed to achieving the following mission - “Provide quality and affordable healthcare services to the rural communities deprived of access to healthcare services”. Please, join our health team.
HIF-CAM Medical Services (HMS) is reaching out to you in love and respect. There is something very special we want to share with you, about our new, big project – The Motowo Rural Health Project (MRHP). The MRHP is an innovative health project intended to provide affordable and quality health service to 15,000 marginalized inhabitants of Motowo and its group of villages.
Two months ago Agbor Mary, a 3 years old girl born in Lower Motowo village, had Acute Malaria. Mr. and Mrs. Agbor are poor peasant farmers. Mrs. Agbor rushed Mary to one of the popular indigenous traditional clinics for treatment. As usual the traditional “doctor” gambled with the diagnosis by throwing five cowries on the floor and claiming that Mary was being troubled by her late grandfather whose spirit had not been appeased since he died five years ago. He prescribed items such as alligator pepper, a tin of oil, a hen and a cock, a bag of salt and a jug of palm wine – to be used for the sacrifice. The items (costing about $50) were brought to the doctor. He mixed some of the items into concoctions and instructed Mary’s mother to administer the drink twice daily. She faithfully administered the treatment for two days, but Mary’s condition got worse (with repeated convulsions). Mr. Agbor, Mary’s father, was advised to take the child to the nearest health center for better treatment. Like most parents who thrive on less than $1.50 a day Mr. Agbor complained to his wife that he had used all the money on him for the child’s native treatment. In order to save Mary’s life he borrowed another $50 from a rich shrewd money lender in the village, who charged him an interest rate of 25% per month. Mary was carried to Limbe integrated health center (located 8 kilometers away) where she was admitted for 5 days and successfully treated of Acute Malaria at the cost of $60. Her family was given two free mosquito bed-nets for preventing Malaria (caused through mosquito bites).
Elsewhere in Makoka village a pregnant lady, Mama Anna, was not as lucky as Little Mary. During her 9 months of pregnancy she never attended any prenatal clinic because there is no health facility in any of the four target villages of this project. At full term she had difficult labor; there was breach presentation of the baby, but the birth attendant in the village was not experienced enough to refer her for expert management. She bled to death.
These daily scenarios of illnesses and deaths occurring in all the four villages has prompted the community leaders of the four villages to come together and deliberate on common health issues affecting them. At the end of the discussion they agreed on the need for a joint health project to address their health needs. Their appeal letter, addressed to HIF-CAM, stated: “Sir, we have cried to the powers that be for healthcare services, to no avail. You are our last hope of survival. Train our youths in healthcare delivery, and build and equip an integrated health center (like the one where Mary was cured) for our trained youths to serve our populations”.
The Motowo Rural Health Project will address the healthcare needs and problems of 15,000 inhabitants denied access to healthcare services. The project entails the construction of a 20-bed integrated health center, equipped with medical equipment and medicines and run by health workers selected from the four communities and trained in healthcare delivery. Following the implementation of the project the following health services will be provided: the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, health and nutrition education, pre-natal care and safe delivery, infant welfare and vaccination services and community preventive health services.
The provision of the above services will produce the following impacts:
Thousands of patients’ lives will be saved and their health restored. The mortality rate, especially among the under-fives, will drop by 70%.
Every year 30% of the families (750 out of the 2,500 families of the 4 villages) adopt healthy habits and practices following the health, nutrition and hygiene education of the population.
The provision of maternal and child care services will not only cause the mortality rate to drop by 70% (through safe deliveries) but will improve women’s health status and the healthy growth and performance of children at school.
As the beneficiary populations enjoy good health and get empowered in agriculture and business, their productivity will improve immensely. The high productivity will increase family earnings by three or more times – that is, from the present $800 yearly to $2,400 annually.
The following competent, qualified and experienced project staff have successfully executed siimilar rural health projects: Chief Lewindia Nicholas (Project Coordinator), Dr. Elong Felix (Medical Adviser), Mr. Fobisong (Accounts Officer ) Mr. Oliver Fonju (Program Manager), Mrs. Theresia Teleh-Amoh (General Nursing Supervisor) and Mr. Ebasoh Benedict (Civil Engineer).
The total cost of implementing the Motowo Rural Health Project is $253,131 USD. Hello friend, we are in the fundraising phase of the project. I know you love our cause. Please, donate your heart ($50, $100, $500, $1,000+). Click on this link: www.hif-cam.org/donte-now/ Will I be asking too much from you if I ask you to consider making a monthly donation of your preferred amount? We’ll update you on the project and how your gift is being used (through HMS Newsletter). Visit our website www.hif-cam.org (still under construction) to learn more about our newsletter and other programs.
The money you donate will be used as follows to achieve your desired impact and make a difference: sponsor the training of 10 health workers; purchase building materials for the construction of an integrated health center; compensate project personnel; purchase medical equipment, furnishings, office supplies and essential medicines for the health center; and provide facilities and resources for maternal and child health services and Community Outreach Preventive Program (COPP).
Thank you very much for sparing time to go through our current expanded project. Consider joining our team as a longstanding valued partner. Feel free to contact me through: forfaah@gmail.com or telephone237 677748273 for any information or any questions.